big-bang theory

英 美
  • 大爆炸理论
  • bang n.巨响;重击;刘海v.重击;大声敲;剪成刘海;突然巨响adv.正好地;准确地
  • big adj.大的;重要的;有雄心的;受欢迎的adv.宏大地;夸大地;成功地n.杰出的组织和个人
  • theory n.学说;理论;原理;意见
  1. (cosmology) the theory that the universe originated sometime between 10 billion and 20 billion years ago from the cataclysmic explosion of a small volume of matter at extremely high density and temperature

    1. A picture of the origin of the universe that has much in its favor is the big bang theory.
    2. The Big Bang Theory implied that the Universe had a finite extent, an outside as well as an inside.